Hi Alchymyth,I used your first code and as usual, it does wonders! However, I have a quoitsen for you.The TEMPLATEPATH reads in the images folder in the parent theme (i.e. Twentyeleven/images/ in my case). If you use a child theme like I do and place the images folder in the child theme folder (i.e. twentyeleven-child/images/), it no longer works.I read somewhere that we could use STYLESHEETPATH but it didn't work !Would you have any suggestion on how to proceed to get the child theme folder?I think this might be useful to everyone reading your great post.Thanks a lot for any suggestion.
Przesłany przez Matthias (gość) w czw, 8 sie 2013, 03:48:05
Znam to uczucie:) Pamietam jak szedłem wioski Smerek na szczyt Smerek(ciągle pod góre)- to jak wyszedłem z lasu i zobaczyłem połonine , to jakbym walnał redbula-> odeszło zmeczenie....
Hi Alchymyth,I used your first code and as usual, it does wonders! However, I have a quoitsen for you.The TEMPLATEPATH reads in the images folder in the parent theme (i.e. Twentyeleven/images/ in my case). If you use a child theme like I do and place the images folder in the child theme folder (i.e. twentyeleven-child/images/), it no longer works.I read somewhere that we could use STYLESHEETPATH but it didn't work !Would you have any suggestion on how to proceed to get the child theme folder?I think this might be useful to everyone reading your great post.Thanks a lot for any suggestion.
Przesłany przez Matthias (gość) w czw, 8 sie 2013, 03:48:05